
Forum Airport and Region presents final report on take-off procedures in Frankfurt based on assessment by GfL

September 2024 | Environment

In 2022, GfL prepared an assessment of the noise-reducing take-off procedures NADP1 and NADP2 at Frankfurt Airport for the Umwelt- und Nachbarschaftshaus (UNH), a committee of the Forum Flughafen und Region
This aircraft noise assessment was used by the Expert Committee on Active Noise Abatement (expASS) as the scientific basis for the evaluation of the noise impact of the take-off procedures on the population, which has now been published in a final report. 
In its overall assessment, the panel came to the conclusion ‘that the flat take-off procedures [NADP2] examined are generally slightly more favourable in terms of noise compared to the steep take-off procedure [NADP1] examined for the Frankfurt region with its urban structure’.

Further information on the study, as well as the now published final report and the GfL assessment, are available on the website of the Committee on Active Noise Abatement.

Illustration of flat and steep take-off procedures (source: UNH)
Illustration of flat and steep take-off procedures (source: UNH)