Occurrence Reporting System (ORS) for AerodromesFlugplätze

The reporting of accidents and incidents as well as safety-relevant events in air traffic are regulated at European level in Regulation (EU) No. 376/2014 and 2015/1018; the European reporting portal ECCAIRS2 is available for this purpose.

In addition to the software solution "Safety Management System", which was primarily developed for use at EASA-certified airports, GfL also offers software specifically for smaller airports, which allows the collection and processing of internal and third-party safety reports, as well as the simple fulfilment of reporting obligations to the authorities via the integrated ECCAIRS2 interface.

The functionalities of the Occurrence Reporting System (ORS) include
  • Reporting system for entering and managing company-specific safety reports, anonymous report entry is also supported
  • Seamless conversion of internal reports into Occurrence Reports, which are transmitted directly to the authority via the ECCAIRS2 interface (reporting in accordance with Regulation (EU) No. 376/2014)
  • Thematic form templates for Occurrence Reports (e.g. bird strike, runway incursions, FOD) pre-checked by the authorities, making the exact ECCAIRS2 fields relevant to the situation available
  • Simple statistics function, e.g. localisation of incidents on airport premises
  • File and document archive
  • Lifetime licence with unlimited number of users, multilingual interface
  • Extendibility through modularised structure
Technical requirements
  • web-based (PHP) browser application installed on a web server (typically Apache) in the client's intranet or a specified network area
  • data storage of all data in a relational database (support for MySQL, SQL server, Oracle, PostgreSQL)
  • support for mobile devices
  • no additional license costs: the software is based on open source technologies (Apache, etc.)
  • Client requirements: The user only needs a web browser (including Javascript) to use the software
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