
Final report for additional de-icing pads at Frankfurt Airport submitted

September 2013 | Airport Planning

This month the results of the study “Demand analysis and concept development for additional de-icing pads at Frankfurt Main Airport” have been handed over to Fraport AG and N*ICE – Aircraft Services & Support GmbH.

In cooperation with TUD’s Institute of Logistics and Aviation GfL analysed various possible locations for addition de-icing pads at the northern manoeuvring area of the airport over the past 12 months. This study included expert workshops, extensive data analysis of aircraft de-icing processes and fast-time simulation.

The final report suggests an optimised location with minimum disturbance to other taxiing traffic. The management board of Fraport AG is currently deciding on the possible investment for building a de-icing pad.


N*ICE de-icing vehicles
N*ICE de-icing vehicles
Airport Frankfurt/Main de-icing pad DP1
Airport Frankfurt/Main de-icing pad DP1